August 16, 2023

Blog 9: 5 signs its time to hire a VA

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As a business owner it is super easy to take on more and more and more until we just can’t keep up! We want to do everything to grow our business and set ourselves up for success.

Sometimes, that means asking for help through outsourcing tasks. Virtual assistants help manage your business growth, give you time back, and stay consistent in their work!

Did you know that virtual assistants can help a business be 13% more productive while saving them 78% in operating costs?

If you have experienced any of the following within your business…it might be time to outsource to a virtual assistant.

Here are 5 ways you know its time to hire a VA

  1. Your Business is Growing
    1. Yay for business growth! This is such an exciting time for your business and it might mean that bringing someone on to help manage your business growth is necessary. A VA can help grow your business further and manage your business as it grows.
  2. You’re overwhelmed/burnt out
    1. As a business owner, it is so easy to feel burnt out and overwhelmed. A virtual assistant can help give you time back and take tasks off your hands to relieve stress and feeling like you can’t get away from work. Not only does a VA free up time in your business, but time for you to take for yourself as well because you need that in order to succeed!
  3. There are too many repetitive tasks
    1. Are you spending sooo much of your time doing the daily repetitive tasks that could easily be outsourced to somebody else? Entrepreneurs spend 68% of their time on administrative tasks — things that could easily be outsourced to a VA! Things like scheduling your social media content, replying to emails/inbox management, sending out contracts, schedule management. All of these things are necessary but repetitive and not necessarily income generating.
  4. Your quality of work is starting to decline
    1. When you are stretched thin over multiple areas of your business and different tasks, it is difficult to put your all into everything. A VA is a great resource to have that can manage certain tasks while you take on others. This ensures that your quality of work stays high and consistent across your business.
  5. You’ve plateaued in your business and productivity
    1. If you have taken on as much as you can handle and don’t feel like you can increase your productivity any more, its time to hire a VA! A virtual assistant can bring new life into your work and take on a whole separate workload of their own, freeing up more of your time!

I hope these were some insightful tips when it comes time to hire a VA for your business.

If you want to learn more about what that could look like for YOU download our FREE Hiring Guide here or fill out the form linked here to get more info on outsourcing to a virtual assistant.

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