May 31, 2023

Blog 6: How to Master Work Life Balance with the help of a VA 

FILED IN: Business Tips

Running a business can be exhausting! There is so much to balance from sending emails and creating content to backend systems and scheduling — its so easy to feel like you can’t ever catch a break!

On top of being a total boss in your business, you are trying to balance with excelling in your personal and family life. Hiring a Virtual Assistant truly changed my life and how I operate things within my business. I no longer stress about stepping away from work, taking days off, going on an extra vacation or two a year. I no longer feel like I am up working long hours or not taking the time to focus on myself and spend quality time with my husband.

My business is one of the most important things in my life, but it is not my life. I have found the true meaning of work-life balance. My VA works behind the scenes so that I can feel confident things are still getting done and moving when I want to take that extra day off, end my work day a little early, or spend some extra time with family. Outsourcing has been a game changer for me, and I want to let you in on how you can master work life balance by hiring a VA! Here is my #1 tip to figuring out what you could outsource to an assistant:

  1. Write down every day for a week what you spend your time doing (even the little things like responding to emails, ordering groceries, etc)
  2. Go through that list and highlight every single thing that doesn’t actually require you.
  3. Tip: you’re not NEEDED in as many things as you may think… you should be spending more time in the actual nitty gritty of your business- the coaching, the sales, etc.
  4. After nailing down that list book a discovery call to discuss more options and talk through how you could best utilize a virtual assistant

Download my FREE Hiring Guide; Quickstart Guide to Hiring a Virtual Assistant to learn about:

-How to hire a VA

-Where to find one

-Red Flags to look out for


-What hiring a VA for your business could look like

-How to get the most out of your VA relationship

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