August 2, 2023

Blog 8: Balancing Multiple Clients as a Virtual Assistant


One benefit of being a Virtual Assistant is truly getting to design your business. That means deciding how many clients you take on at a time, how many hours you work, etc. So…when it’s time to start growing and scaling your business by bringing on more clients, how do you balance it all?

Here are 5 tips to staying organized while working with multiple clients at a time:

  1. Focus on Time Management
    1. While taking on multiple clients, having efficient time management skills is key. Block off time daily or weekly that you spend working on each clients work. This will help ensure things are getting done and you are staying organized. Rather than jumping back and forth between clients during work time, set time aside to focus individually on them. Project Management tools are a great way for you to do this! I also highly recommend that you are setting aside time for you to work ON your own business.
  2. Automate everything possible
    1. Automations have made my life soooo much easier and I am constantly looking for ways to automate new tasks. Automating things like client onboarding, contract renewals, and invoices can save you so much time and ensure things are getting done and allows you to focus more of your time on client work! Zapier and or honeybook automations are my GO- TO.
  3. Outsource
    1. You are an outsourcing resource for business owners, but maybe its time yourself to outsource your own back end work to other VAs! Know your limits when it comes to how much you can take on. If you want to keep taking clients on, but have hit a personal limit — think about the tasks you could outsource! Hiring a VA yourself to focus on the insides of your business can free up your time to focus on client work or take on more clients. I personally have a team of two right now and couldn’t have scaled my business to where it’s at without them. Don’t get me wrong… this isn’t something I was able to do right away, but when you’re able.. I highly recommend.
  4. Communicate with your clients
    1. Be transparent and communicate well with your clients! Make sure that you are updating your clients on work progress and times you are focusing on their tasks. Communication allows clients to trust you and feel as though they are valued and involved! I stress to my VA’s that over communication is KEY… your clients will appreciate the open line of communication so they are never left wondering what you’re doing or when they should expect something.
  5. Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries
    1. Don’t become burned out when taking on multiple clients. Communicate your boundaries with each client so they understand your working hours and when is best to contact you. Prioritize your self care and set boundaries! Pro tip: set different “focus” modes in your iphone settings included an “Out of office” one where you can silence all notifications from clients and or work apps.

Taking on multiple clients as a Virtual Assistant is exciting — it allows your business to scale and grow! But, learning how to balance responsibilities between clients can be tricky, so make sure you are organized and have systems set in place for success!

Follow me on IG @itsanyadunlap for more tips on building a successful VA business.

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