January 19, 2024

Should you get into Email Marketing?

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Email Marketing…those two words can feel dreadful and daunting. But I promise, when you take the time to learn about email marketing, develop a strategy, or delegate it to a team of people that specialize in it, it can really help grow your business.

Here’s why growing an email list is vital for the growth and sustainability of your business…

  1. Develop a connection with your audience
    • Emails give you direct communication to your audience. Unlike social media, emails are coming directly to their inbox. They are much more likely to see and engage with an email than they might be with a social media post lost in the Instagram algorithm. Emails are a longer form of communication where you can showcase some more of your personality and be relatable with your audience. You can also be personable by utilizing platforms that allow you to customize emails to have their name and feel more authentic!
  2. Build and Nurture a relationship
    • So you’ve developed a connection with your audience but how do you maintain that connection? Emails are the BEST way to nurture a relationship. They allow you to consistently follow up with leads and make sure no lead is abandoned!
  3. Targeted and measurable
    • Emails are a great way to target specific people! When you attract leads, you can have them tagged under certain interest areas and have emails sent based off of that. That way, you are targeting the correct leads, and they are receiving emails from you they ACTUALLY want to read. I love that I can measure results of every email campaign so easily. This really allows me to reflect and see what is working and what maybe not so much so that I can adjust for the next campaign!
  4. Automated and Cost Effective
    • Emails are a easy and cost efficient way to be consistently marketing. One thing I love about emails is automations! This has allowed me to schedule out emails, put people into workflows, and continue to follow up with leads all while I’m not even thinking about it! Email automations have SAVED me in remembering to follow up with that one lead, send out a contract renewal to that one client, and constantly provide value to my audience of potential clients!

If email marketing is something you have been wanting to get into but you just don’t know where to start or maybe you simply don’t have the time, I would love to work together! Fill out the form linked here so that I can learn more about you and your business and we can be on our way to working together and getting you on the email marketing wave!

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